Oh No MeNOpause!

Ladies....listen to me...

If you are over 40 and experiencing and/or suffering with peri-menopause/menopause symptoms like:

mood swings



night sweats

stubborn weight gain

loss of muscle tone

vaginal dryness

...you don't have to suffer anymore!! Have you heard of Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy? It's different from basic "hormone replacement therapy." Basic HRT can come with risks because doctors often prescribe synthetic hormones like progestin. Whatever you do, please avoid synthetic hormones. There's a new way, a safer way, and it doesn't matter what age you are or if you have high blood pressure or any other health condition. Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy does not require a doctor's prescription although you are monitored medically by holistic practitioners via saliva tests and video/telephone conferences!

The biggest mistake I made was waiting until menopause to actually start learning about it. All the suffering I endured for a decade before (peri-menopause) could have been mitigated. My doctors were worthless and they didn't care about my struggles. "It's normal" they said, then rolled their eyes at me and all my questions. Apparently, doctors think it's normal to feel terrible all the time, not be able to sleep, yell angrily at family members and strangers and have a shitty quality of life in your late 40s! Well, I refused to accept it and I went searching in the holistic health community for answers. And I found awesome answers!

BHT is over-the-counter, so an Rx from a physician is not necessary (yay!) but you need to learn and get support from the right Holistic resources. I found the mother of all resources with the Dr. Michelle Sands' Healthy Hormone Club. They supply saliva tests and all the hormones through the mail. They can be reached for support 24/7. They even have a variety of women-centric supplements to support the BHT. I personally cannot live without the Daily Glow multi-vitamins: GLOW Shop

The topical hormone creams and supplements from GLOW have changed my life for the better. If I can stop other women from suffering needlessly, this is my aim.

Watch this free masterclass and decide if joining the Healthy Hormone Club is right for you: FREE Healthy Hormone Club Masterclass

Nobody has your back like your favorite manicurist! Cheers to your health!💙


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